Renewable energy micro-grids & Long duration energy storage via hydrogen

Project Development

We work alongside communities and clients to assess current energy needs and map future operational goals. There are a range of reasons to upgrade energy systems, whether to reach decarbonization targets, achieve ownership & cost savings, pursue economic development, or to create energy resilience.

Systems design & Modelling

Our team uses industry leading software to analyze and model optimal microgrid configurations, taking into account electrical profiles, environmental characteristics, and other relevant variables. We work closely with equipment manufacturers, system integrators, solar and wind providers.

project management

As project management consultants, we will guide you through the project delivery process from inception to operational start-up. By managing aspects such as decision quality, risk management, schedule and cost tracking management of change, we help deliver assured project outcomes.

Regulatory Guidance

With the hydrogen industry still in its infancy, the regulatory landscape is ever changing and difficult to navigate. As a member of the Canadian Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA), Hydrogen Codes & Standards working group, and close observer of developments at the provincial level, Thor Hydrogen can help guide you through the many regulatory hurdles facing your energy project.